Monday 19 July 2010

I Always wanted to be Someone, but I Should Have Been More Specific

Often when clients tell me the one thing they'd like to change - they say something like:
I'd like to be living life to the full

- entirely normal, but coaches know that it's not useful to formulate goals that way. I'm reminded of my favourite quote:
I always wanted to be someone,
but I should have been more specific
Also - there's:
a plan without date is just a dream

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail
Same idea. Most of us have dreams which never materialise, and one big reason is our lack of specificity.

So the insight for you is to spell out what "living life to the full" means for you. It's very different for different people. I encourgae you to invest some time in doing that.

Here are the emotional obstacles you may find:

1. People don't take themselves seriously and so are reluctant to invest time or money in it
2. They may be pessimistic about how realistic their dreams are, and this will make them give up easily and lack confidence
3. They may be afraid of trying in case they fail - or in case they don't
4. Their lives are already full of stuff, leaving them drained and bewildered
5. They may lack the skills and the tools to make things happen

Filling those gaps for clients is what good professional coaches do.

I encourage you to take the first step, and get really specific about what you want from your life. There's a detailed article about that here.

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